
We don't own the water

We borrow it

As humans on this planet

We're privileged to have the ability

To build shelter almost anywhere

We had choice to make

Be naturally balanced or not

We choose nature

To ensure innocent wild ones

Don't lose their natural necessities of life

By the flush and forget it actions of humans

Water treatment is paramount in building design

Naturally passive building design

Like green roofed above parking

Which mitigates de-watering

Lower watershed table

A destructive construction practice  

Required to build

Underground parking and sewers


Respecting our Code of belief

Mitigating anthropogenic pollution degradation Co-Ops

Have their own waste water treatment plant

Every time you see a wild one drinking

From a safe, cold water shed stream

Take heart knowing your choices

Made the wild one's life better

By living in a place which respects

Nature's necessities of life

Protecting fresh, clean and cold water

Waste Water Plant Specifications


40 unit co-op, with 80 bedrooms, ground floor retail, offices and a restaurant

42,400 litres per day of polluted water                                                                   

Estimated Organic Load..............................Target After Treatment


BDO5 @ 2,000 mg/L............................................≤ 15mg/L

MES   @ 1,000mg/L.............................................≤ 15mg/L

NTK     @ 50mgN/L

Phosphorus     @10mgP/L....................................≤ 1mgP/L

Fecal coliform @ 50,000 UFC/ 100mL............ ...≤ 200 UFC/100mL


Water Treatment System                              Tertiary Systems


- 2 MBBRs                                                     - UV disinfection

- 2 Secondary Clarifiers                                  - Phosphorus Removal

- Ecoflo Biofilters                                          

- Pump station

- Septic Tank